Environmental Services
Public concerns over safe drinking water, air quality and food supply regarding contamination and the effects of industry on our natural resources initiated the environmental movement in the early 1970s. California continues to lead the rest of the country in environmental awareness through alternative energy, protection of water resources and air quality, fostering a well balanced approach to our way of life.
However, over regulation and complex environmental laws in lieu of common-sense alternatives has impacted industry within California forcing many corporations to relocate to less restrictive regulated States. Although GeoSolve® can not independently resolve this important issue, we are committed to working with local governing agencies and the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA), on behalf of our Clients, to obtain reasonable and cost effective solutions for their environmental liabilities. GeoSolve conducts various site-specific environmental services for Clients specializing in Brownfield redevelopment. Brownfield redevelopment is the process of remediating environmentally impacted properties for commercial and residential development as an effort to revitalize blighted communities, allowing our environmental laws to work for developers and the communities they develop.
GeoSolve provides the following quality environmental services: