About Us
GeoSolve, Inc.® is a professional environmental, geological and hydrogeological consulting firm specializing in Brownfield Remediation services utilizing traditional and cutting edge technologies to revitalize blighted properties for redevelopment. We also provide geological services, mineral resource evaluation and mine mitigation services. Our Professional Geologists and Certified Engineering Geologists are dedicated to solving your environmental, geological, and hydrogeological concerns.
GeoSolve is committed to providing high quality, expedient consulting services at lower costs than our competitors. Our environmental, hydrogeological and geological expertise coupled with our relationships with the California EPA and local governing agencies expedites completion time on our projects. GeoSolve‘s success is based on our innovative business model, which puts you, our client first, while attentively bringing our customized client-specific solutions into fruition.
GeoSolve’s new endeavor is Expert Witness Services, an impartial expert focused on Geoscience and data evaluation as the mechanism for rendering a professional opinion.
GeoSolve is dedicated to solving your concerns and is a Supplier Clearinghouse WBE Certified company – VON: 11100148. Please visit our Contact Us area for more information and/or download our Statement of Qualifications.